The dying person should be in a psychological state between fear and hope. The person should fear Allaah’s punishment for his or her sins and, at the same time, hope for Allaah’s mercy and forgiveness. The true believer is not sure about whether he or she is going to paradise, no matter how good his or her life may have been, because the Prophet (PBUH) said that no one would enter Paradise solely on the basis good deeds. Every human makes many errors during his or her lifetime. Although a person may consider some of his or her errors insignificant, they may have had exceedingly bad results. The dying person also should not give up hope in Allaah’s mercy, no matter how great his or her sins may have been, for Allaah is able to forgive all sins as He said, “Do not lose hope of Allaah’s mercy, for verily Allaah forgives all sin.” Soorah az-Zumar 39:53. The only exception to that rule being the sin of Shirk, as it negates the very purpose of creation : “Verily Allaah will not forgive Shirk but He forgives anything besides it for whomsoever He wishes.” Soorah an-Nisaa 4:48, 116. Anas reported that the Prophet (PBUH) visited a dying youth and asked him, “How do you find yourself?” He replied, “By Allaah, O Messenger of Allaah, verily I hope for the best from Allaah and fear my sins.” Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whenever two come together in the heart of a slave (of Allaah) in such a situation, Allaah gives him what he hopes for and protects him for what he fears.” Collected by at-Tirmithee and Ibn Maajah and authenticated in Ahkaamul-Janaa’iz, p.3, nt.2.