Humankind’s responsibility of looking after this world does not stop at serving animals. The vegetable kingdom is also highly regarded in divine law. So much so, that Muslims engaged in war are forbidden to destroy fruit trees and even the planting of trees is considered an act of charity. Jaabir quoted Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) as saying, “Any Muslim who plants a tree gains the reward of giving in charity. What is eaten from it is charity, what is stolen from it, what the animals eat and what the birds eat, is all charity. Anyone or anything that takes from it, earns for the planter the reward of [giving in]charity.” Sahih Muslim, vol.3, p.818, no.3764. Islaam encourages that no effort should be spared in planting, even if it becomes the last thing that the believer can do in this life. Anas related that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “If the [signs of] the beginning of the Day of Resurrection appear and one of you has a seedling in his hand, he should plant it if he is able to do so before the resurrection begins.” Al-Bukhaaree in al-Adab al-Mufrad no.479. Consequently, human beings have a responsibility to look after all aspects of the environment in which they were created as a sacred duty to God. This requires an active opposition to the massive pollution and destruction of rainforests caused by today’s materialistic, consumer societies the world over. According to revelation, negligence of this duty is considered a sin and fulfillment an act of worship.